Saturday, October 13, 2018

cafe: 300 acres, Wembley golf course

cafe: 300 acres, Wembley golf course
14 Oct 2018

Definitely not hipster... Customers appear to be older western suburbs family groups. Surprisingly uncrowded for a Sunday morning. Perhaps due to the difficulty of finding the café in the middle of the golf course.

Parking is at a premium -- lots of people are there for the golf. I also have the feeling (an unsubstantiated impression) that our fellow diners are there because they are club golfers. As a non-golfer non-member I feel somewhat out of place.

It's a cold and windy day, we eat indoors, a very pleasant space. Somewhat upmarket. Our cake -- factory standard -- is old. Yesterday's at best. Cool coffee (as I like it) in sensibly large cups.

What sets this café apart is the view. From indoors we can see trees. On a finer day, outside offers views of the course itself, we check it out, very pleasant indeed.

There is a casual takeaway area outside, with a variety of views. For a pleasant picnic-style lunch, on a better day, that is where I would eat.

I rate this café as a very standard 2 out of 3. Visit once for the experience. Repeat visits if you also play golf at this course.

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