Saturday, July 21, 2018

Annihilation / Jeff VanderMeer

(Southern Reach 1 of 3)
by Jeff VanderMeer


copyright 2014
read in July 2018

rated 5/10: readable but only is there's nothing else

I've only read a couple of Lovecraft short stories but I can see the similarity. There's the mysterious feeling of impending horror. The trembling fear of the protagonists. Then the final fearful flight -- with no actual conclusion.

If I had bought just this book, I would be annoyed. It's a first chapter, an introduction, with no other point. Except -- presumably -- to introduce the next two books. With luck, the next two books will go somewhere. This book -- by itself -- is pointless. Easy to read, mysterious to the point of unbelievable. I read to the end only because I already have books two and three.

I think it may be trying to be science fiction. It could be fantasy. I suspect that the author -- like Lovecraft -- is trying for horror. I'm not sure, because there is no hint of the causes or reality of the story's setting.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
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