Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Witches Incorporated / K.E. Mills

Witches Incorporated
(Rogue Agent 2)
by K.E. Mills


copyright 2009
read in May 2017

rated 6/10: read to pass the time

I like the story. I like the characters. I just wish that the chaaracters would spend less time arguing with each other. Especially since most of the arguments are of the form, You can't do that! Yes I can and will! ... and you know that, yes they will.

These people are the best of friends. There is an underlying theme of, women are capable and should be allowed to act independently. Yet the arguments are often about the men trying to stop the women -- their friends and lovers -- from acting independently. Sheesh. Though it may be -- I hope -- the author's way of showing that independence needs to be both demonstrated and accepted.

On the plus side...

The main hero -- Gerald -- reminds me of Rincewind of Discworld. He makes mistakes, he is the butt of jokes, he will finally save the day. Yet Gerald is so much more acceptable.

Gerald is uncertain of his powers but he tries hard and means well. And when he wins *he* wins. Okay, there's a powerful boss wizard who orders him around. Yet Gerald is not entirely powerless. He occasionally asserts himself. So much more enjoyable  than the always-losing Rincewind.

If you enjoy constant sniping, you could up the rating to seven, well worth reading. I prefer friends to be friendlier and more accepting of each other's independence. Also, the arguments take up a significant number of pages.

I rate the book at six. Yet I did enjoy reading it.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"Keep smiling. It's obvious you don't know what's going on." ...comment from a manager

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