Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The White Gryphon / Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon

The White Gryphon
(Mage Wars #2)
by Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon


copyright 1997
started reading in February 2017


I read The Black Gryphon. This was continuation of a war, and quite a few characters had been introduced in earlier books.
[later: Though, according to Wikipedia, this is wrong. Black is chronologically first. With a detailed backstory...]
It was still a "complete" book. The White Gryphon takes many of the same characters. They seem to be in a brand new situation.  So no trouble with the *story* continuation.

Despite being set at the front line of a major war, Black was mainly about people. Specifically, their psychology and psychological problems. Okay, interesting.

White starts off with the people. Human and non-human. And then we meet a villain... whose villainy is to manipulate people. To use "psychology" to control people. This is nasty.

This is where I stop reading.

There is one thing that I can't stand and that is abject slavery. The sort where the slave's actions and *thoughts* are so tightly controlled that they have not even a thought of freedom. Or slavery where they may think but no action -- no action at all -- is possible except as allowed by the slave owner.

I don't like that.

I don't like to read about it.

I can see that this villain will return. (And here I agree with the villain: banishment is a cop-out punishment by the good guys.) I can see that the villain will return and take control of more people. I don't want to read about it. Even though it will -- ultimately -- end with victory for the good guys.

This may be a great book.

I've stopped reading.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"Before your dreams can come true, you have to have those dreams" … Dr Joyce Brothers

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