Saturday, November 28, 2015

Fresh Meat / Alice Henderson

Fresh Meat
Alice Henderson


copyright 2012
read in November 2015

rated 7/10: well worth reading

That is, well worth reading if you enjoy monsters and violence !

This book is set, we're told, in series seven of the TV show Supernatural. I've not watched the show -- but I'm somewhat impressed... Sure, the heroes survive against incredible odds. They keep fighting, despite injuries that would stop a real person. The monsters are... well... monstrous !

But the story ticks along quite nicely. Some of the lesser characters are interesting, even sympathetic. The main characters have six TV series of back-story -- that I have missed -- yet they are drawn well enough to be likeable, within this one novel.

Although... This novel is far-fetched and over-the-top. (Part of its attraction.) Judging by the light hints of earlier action from the TV episodes -- this book is just one very mild adventure in a rather adventurous life ! Exploding angels ?! Caged for a year with Lucifer ?! A TV series with lots of over-the-top action ! Unbelievable ! Perhaps I should watch it :-)

And then, having quite enjoyed the book, I'm ready to rate it as a six, read to pass the time. But, out of interest, I check Wikipedia for information on the main monsters. And they exist !

Well, you know what I mean... The monsters exist in folklore. They are not just ridiculous authorial imaginings. I am impressed.

I am impressed that the author has used "real" monsters. That one monster, at least, has been fitted into a famous historical incident. That a modern story had been built around "real" but not well known monsters.

Is this the standard of the TV series ? Real monsters fitted into a modern setting ? Sounds like fun. And sounds like a better than average concept for a TV horror series.

Must ask someone who watches the show...

"Not sure if I should really be reading 'Self Esteem for Dummies'"... adapted from Ginger Meggs


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