Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Two Pearls of Wisdom / Alison Goodman

The Two Pearls of Wisdom

category: fantasy, author:

Alison Goodman

book 1 of Pearls ?
original copyright 2008

read in April 2012

Agamedes' opinion: 8 out of 10: really quite good

This is an enjoyable book though quite cliched.

Girl-dressed-as-boy gets accepted for training that is usually restricted to boys. Gains sudden and unexpected elevation in power. Loses friends, gains new friends.

Plus various standards of the more enjoyable fantasy chick lit. Heroine is loyal and always does her best. Friends may have doubts but are ultimately supportive. Certain villains are... well... evil. Until their inner demons are exposed and exorcised.

There's nothing wrong with cliches -- or tropes, to use a word that I have just learnt. Good tropes can add up to a good book. And the Pearls tropes add up to 7 out of 10, well worth reading.

So why is my opinion (at the top of this post) eight?!

Pearls is set in China. Well, in a older China. A China where magic works. And it is very well done.

Not that I know much about imperial China! But Pearls reads true: I can believe in it. Plus, there is an overlay of magic, to make this a fantasy.

Better yet, the magic fits with the culture. If imperial China did have magic -- then this is the magic that it would have.

The final chapter or two was a little strained, as the author rushed to conclude the book while leaving clear pointers to volume two. Still, it was all wrapped up for volume one. Not so much loose ends, as an introduction to the conflict for book two.

This book is an enjoyable adventure, well worth reading. With the additional and interesting cultural environment.

Really quite good.

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PissWeakly: the Index

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