Friday, February 24, 2012

Elminster's Daughter / Ed Greenwood

Elminster's Daughter

category: fantasy, author:

Ed Greenwood

book ?? of Forgotten Realms
original copyright 2004

read in February 2012 (and before, in December 2005)

Agamedes' opinion: 6 out of 10: read to pass the time

My book memory is quite good although I have difficulty remembering authors and titles. As I read this book, there was nothing familiar. So I was fairly certain that I had never before read Elminster's Daughter.

And then -- half way through the book -- I met the wizard reading a "chapbook"...

A "chapbook"?! I remember that!

In fact, I also remember the situation: The wizard should be on watch but he is reading a "chapbook". I also remember thinking, "A chapbook, haha, that's quite clever. Or funny. Or something." Which is exactly what I thought this time...

A clever word which sticks in the mind. Yes, I definitely have already read Elminster's Daughter. In 2005, in fact.

And the "chapbook" is all that I can remember from that first reading...

Which is really a good indication of the quality of Elminster's Daughter.

This book is a lot of fun. Action, adventure, magic and mystery. A single chase through the streets takes perhaps a quarter of the book -- and is never boring.

The book is also... totally forgettable.

Lightweight fun. Easy to read, easy to enjoy.

Just as easy to put down and forget.

These reviews are provided by Agamedes Consulting.
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PissWeakly: the Index

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