Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Stranger in a Strange Land / Robert A Heinlein

Stranger in a Strange Land, 
by Robert A Heinlein
science fiction
first published 1961
read (again) May 2024
rated 7/10: well worth reading

Yes, it's a classic, that's why it's rated seven. Otherwise it would be five: readable but...
Add one point because it's a classic. And essential reading to see how science fiction has changed.
Add another point because the book is packed full of ideas. Unfortunately some of those ideas are strange. Or at least out of step with current attitudes.

I read this book several decades ago, quite close to its publication date. Even then I noticed the author's attitude to women: for example, when important matters are to be discussed -- the women are sent to the kitchen to make sandwiches.
Many political points are still valid, such as the "flapper" -- a subordinate whose job is to prevent people from talking to the important person. (Still valid and attributed to the even older Gulliver's Travels.) And yes, there probably are still leaders who depend, directly or not, on astrologers.
Use of force for political ends is, I hope, less common. In some countries.
There are still religions where "good" really means "good for us".
Political decisions forced by unelected individuals with money and influence is... well, still common.
Okay, come to think of it -- the ideas are still relevant.
So what about the solutions? Probably a bit extreme. Dependent on goodwill and wishful thinking -- maybe worth considering... If only the solutions could be supported by a Man from Mars with super-powers of control. And extreme goodwill.
One good point: the author spends only a few pages preaching to the reader... for Heinlein, that's good.

Final admission:
I started reading because I remember confusion over the discovery of the super-powers. This time it's clear. But I have memories of the Martian Messiah becoming ridiculous. I intended to read only half the book. Which I've done. If I read more -- I'll come back and add to this review.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

Bandaid solutions hurt when they are removed.

...Dying for you to Read my blog: notdotdeaddotyet.blogspot.com

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