Wednesday, March 16, 2022

John RingoThere will be dragons

 There will be dragons
council wars #1

by John Ringo

copyright 2003
read in February 2022

rated 5/10: read if there's nothing else

There's a world of science where anyone can be transformed to any shape that they want.

the science ends and we're left with a primitive world of elves, dwarfs, men and orcs. yes, it's a direct steal from LotR.

on the other hand, this book is wish fulfilment for US preppers. the new world is ruled by people with "primitive" skills. farming, fighting, forging and so on.
why US? as soon as the new world needs a constitution, they steal the US constitution.

back to lotr. instead of magic rings, there are science-magic keys. lotr is about the essential destruction of the rings. this book keeps the keys... and demonstrates, over this and subsequent books, why they should have been destroyed.

and now back to those clever preppers. they capture wild animals from the forest. take the animals to the new farm... and are surprised when the animals wander back into the forest!

anyway. it's all a lot of blood and thunder fun.and like the titular dragons -- which fail to appear -- there is a lot which is hinted at but does not appear in this book one.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

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