Monday, July 19, 2021

Into the Fire, Pittacus Lore

Into the Fire, 
Pittacus Lore

subadult, fansonly

rated 3/10: so bad it's embarrassing

I really dislike a book which has no real conclusion. This book is even worse -- it has no beginning. Well...

The book begins with a group of people in a plane. They talk about people who we have never met -- who are not even in the plane. There is some semi-heroic chat about rescuing... someone Or taking risks with villains we have never heard of.

Okay. If you are a fan, you may have read earlier books, you may know what's going on.

Then it gets worse: Turns out, the pilot has mysteriously disappeared. Fortunately, one of the characters has the superpower to control machinery. Phew! But wait -- for some mysterious reason his superpower does not work on this plane.
It's okay, he phones a friend (from the plane). The friend tells him to click his ruby slippers (or some such). And wow! it works... His superpower is upgraded.

Luckily... landing a commercial aircraft is so simple that this teenager -- untrained -- does it safely.

So far, this book has many of the elements of the only other Pittacus book that I have read. Different characters -- from the same stereotypes -- and the plot is a close copy.

Then there's some cutesy teen stuff of a girl learning more about her own superpowers. Then my brain threatened to collapse from an overload of stupidity.

Boring... boring... boring.

To save my brain from implosion, I stop reading.
Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

One joy scatters a hundred griefs" ... Chinese proverb


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