Sunday, May 10, 2020

Hellhole / Brian Herbert, Kevin J Anderson

(Hellhole #1)
by Brian Herbert, Kevin J Anderson

science fiction

copyright  1998
read in May 2020

rated 6/10: read to pass the time

Well that was disappointing. A book with no ending. No hint -- that I can see -- that this is only part of a story. It just ends. With nothing resolved. An unannounced "book one" of a continuing saga.

What rubbish.

Quarter of the way through the book and I'm starting to worry. Too many characters, too many locations, too little focus. I realise that this book will not be the last.

Even worse -- the end turns out to be a rather boring cliffhanger. A dozen characters in half a dozen threads, all standing round and saying, Mine is bigger than yours.

The whole book is simply setting the scene. You have to hope that the next book will have less posturing, perhaps even some action.

There are aliens. The most annoying bunch of hippie aliens that I have met. With what I suspect it's a built-in way to get rid of them all when the humans have won their battles. (If they ever start.) And -- I can't believe that this is a spoiler -- what looks like a fleet of alien spaceships. Pop in, flaunt their superiority and disappear. Presumably to reappear in time to save the day in some future book.

Tell you what: if you already have the entire series, go ahead and read. It's sure to have mighty battles, heroic rescues and last minute triumphs. It promises to be a lot of fun.

Just book one, though, is very disappointing.

Nick Lethbridge / Agamedes Consulting
When you don't know what to say, it's time to stop talking ... Ginger Meggs

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