Friday, February 19, 2016

Onyx Javelin / Steve Wheeler

Onyx Javelin
(Fury of ACES #3)
by Steve Wheeler

space opera

copyright 2015
read in February 2016

rated 7/10: well worth reading

Be careful what you wish for ! Reviewing ACES #2 I thought, this will be good if the hinted "big picture" plot is further developed. Well...

Onyx is yet another high tech space opera. More characters appearing, all very likeable, all very tough, all very talented. Non-stop action, bigger and better tech, tougher and more indestructible villains... and a bigger picture plot !

Unfortunately, the bigger plot becomes a to-be-continued ending :-(

This time there are several threads of action. Several groups of good guys rather than one group with a series of action pieces. All coming together... to be continued.

And I really hate a book that does not end :-(

Except that in this case -- it doesn't matter !

The ACES series is action, adventure and super-duper technology. Nice guys and gals shooting the heck out of almost-indestructible aliens (and non-aliens). Not all the aliens are evil, not all the humans are nice. (Not all the humans are human, either.)

I read this book and enjoyed it. Immensely. Reached the end of the book... found it was not the end of the story... and thought, What the heck, who cares !

It's not a book where I absolutely must know how it ends. It'll end with the good guys (the almost humans, mostly, though that includes people from humanoid to android to robot to intelligent spaceships) winning. Eventually.

I just enjoy the journey.

It's a lot of fun building tech, battling baddies and occasionally discovering new depths of cunning evil. Will it never end ? It doesn't really matter.

I do want to see where the journey ends. But really, the journey is so enjoyable that I am happy to just keep reading. To wait a while, for more cunning plots to be revealed.

I'm looking forward to more Fury of ACES...

Look out Universe -- the Sphere of Humanity is ready to fight, and win, and sell it all to you on Games Board TV :-)

1 comment:

Nick, Consulting Dexitroboper said...

30 April 2017:

I've just finished re-reading Onyx Javelin. I had a look at my original review. What more can I say ?! Over-the-top space opera... and very enjoyable :-)

This time, though, I suspect that I understand more of what is happening. I also understand -- I think -- more of what is not explained. That is, I see more of the gaps in explanation. Perhaps I need to re-read books one and two, to see if any gaps have actually been explained.

Not that it really matters...

It's a lot of fun. I like the characters, I like the can-do attitudes. I like the action. I enjoyed the book :-)