Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Think / Guy P Harrison

Why you should question everything
by Guy P Harrison


copyright 2013
read in December 2014

rated 7/10: well worth reading

This is a fascinating book, well worth reading. A fascinating book based on a flawed premise...

There are plenty of great examples of why we think wrong thoughts. Examples of why our minds are very easily confused. This is all brilliant food for thought -- and well worth reading.


The author is a skeptic. Not just skeptical but A Skeptic. And the Skeptic approach is self-contradictory.

A Skeptic will only believe when an idea is soundly supported by facts. So science is Good. Yet a Skeptic will reject an idea if it is not supported by facts... A Skeptic had never seem a fairy at the bottom of the garden -- therefore, fairies do not exist !

No, sorry, lack of evidence is not the same as evidence against an idea.

The author rejects ideas because he has seen no evidence. An honest sceptic would allow for the possibility of truth -- until proven otherwise.

So it's a fascinating book. Read it and learn to think...

If only the author had learnt his own lessons !

"If he had a mind, there was something on it." PG Wodehouse, of a troubled Pongo Twistleton

Problems ? Solved

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