Thursday, January 30, 2014

Empire in Black and Gold / Adrian Tchaikovsky

Empire in Black and Gold
by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Shadows of the Apt (1 of 3)

copyright 2008
read in January 2014

rated 8: really quite good

How do you build a fantasy world ? How can you present unique characters without excessive detailed explanation ?

Tolkein gave us elves dwarves and men, and hobbits. Pick a race and the reader has an instant understanding of the general characteristics of the character. Often combined with warrior priest wizard and rogue, to give further depth to a character. Without need for detailed explanation.

Alternatively, base the races on well-known racial stereotypes... Pratchett does this on Discworld, with tongue firmly in cheek. Other writers have used the same approach... If a multi-tentacled monster stops fighting for a spot of tiffin -- the reader instantly knows that this monster will also have a stiff upper lip and an absolute sense of what is right and proper.

Then there are the animal races... The fast fighting pack of wolf people. The solitary yet strong big cat people. They may even be shape-shifters, to emphasise the point. The point is -- to allow the reader to quickly understand the central personality of the protagonist.

And now... it's the insects.

Tchaikovsky has a fantasy world where humans -- and yes, they are humans -- have the characteristics of insects. (Strictly speaking it's invertebrates.) And it works. Very well !

Beyond that one brilliant concept, it's a reasonably straightforward fantasy. Very enjoyable fantasy. With overtones of steam punk.

It starts a little slowly. Allowing time to get to know the people. The pace picks up but never to a ridiculous speed. The characters are mixed and all very likeable. Even -- almost -- the bad guy who wonders if his team is absolutely on the right path...

This is book one of three. (Three ? Maybe.) A self-contained story. With plenty of room for more.

I enjoyed book one. I look forward to reading book two.

A good story, great characters... And an interesting basis for this fantasy universe.

Problems ? Solved

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