Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Saucer: The Conquest / Stephen Coonts

Saucer: The Conquest

category: science fiction, author:

Stephen Coonts

book 2 of Saucer
original copyright 2004

read in May 2012

Agamedes' opinion: 6 out of 10, read to pass the time

Young man with brilliant mind, fit body and access to all the knowledge from an intergalactic flying saucer. Older woman, beautiful, intelligent, fighter pilot experience. All they need is some conflict in their romance and an excuse to save the world by flying the flying saucer.


The adventure continues on from Saucer. Same young man's escapist adventure. A little less worry that the girlfriend is so old. Thirty, almost! Same good fun, same enjoyable excitement.

Conquest does have less stray characters. Less walk-on parts with no real role to play. The characters are still rather pleasant... or mad and evil. Very few of those absolute villains; most of the bad guys are just people who act badly because they are involved with the wrong people.

One group in particular has evolved since the first book: the politicians. In Saucer, the president and all his men and women are pure, self-serving, game-playing idiots. In Conquest, well, they are much the same. Except with slightly improved motives. More sympathetic political logic. And, from the president, a minor hint of intelligence.

Amongst the other characters I particularly appreciate the bad guy pilot. He does attempt to kill the heroes. But when he risks crashing into a crowded city -- he pulls away. For the right reason, that he doesn't want to kill innocent bystanders.

The villains of Saucer are evil, rich gangsters with world-wide power. The villains of Conquest are, in essence, mad scientists with the usual dose of megalomania. That's just to reassure you: The two books are similar in style but completely different stories. If you enjoy one you will enjoy both :-)

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PissWeakly: the Index

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