Friday, February 24, 2012

Tek Power / William Shatner

Tek Power

category: science fiction, author:

William Shatner

book 6 of Tekwar
original copyright 1994

read in February 2012

Agamedes' opinion: 6 out of 10: read to pass the time

A book by William Shatner... A man who has been type-cast as Captain James T. Kirk... An actor who has taken his type-casting -- and run with it!

Tek Power is a book for lovers of Captain Kirk. Fans who enjoy the adventures of a hero who is smart enough to solve puzzles, yet is willing and able to go one-on-one with his fists. Fans who enjoy a bit of heroics in a high-tech but very human science fiction universe.

Star Trek -- the original series -- was good science fiction. Each episode took an SF "what if" idea and expanded on its impact. Then the Enterprise arrived, and an ensign was killed to show that the situation was serious. Captain Kirk and his senior officers would rescue themselves and, perhaps, solve some idea-related problems.

The Star Trek characters were likable stereotypes. The solutions were related to the SF idea but could be simplistic. (How often did "the girl" save the day after falling in love with Kirk? How many evil geniuses were felled by Kirk's fists?) The SF ideas added depth to the plots. This was good science fiction.

Tek Power is a bit like that -- except without the driving force of a unique SF "what if" idea gone wrong.

It's a likable Kirk-type character battling evil. Lucky coincidences, close escapes, instant answers. Jumping from one situation to the next with scant regard for realism: ask the question, get the answer, move on... Set in an interesting universe with a touch of humour.

All good stuff!

Not great, but good.

I read the book and thoroughly enjoyed it. I won't go out of my way to look for more in the Tek Wars series. But if they turn up, I look forward to reading them.

Well done, Captain Kirk!

These reviews are provided by Agamedes Consulting.
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