Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tangled Webs / Anne Bishop

Tangled Webs

category: horror, author:

Anne Bishop

book 6 of Black Jewels
original copyright 2008,
read in May 2011

Agamedes' opinion: 3 out of 10

This book is so bad that it's embarrassing.

The main characters are vampires. They rule their world by fear and violence. Interestingly, one third of the book read and all I've met are vampires.

That doesn't mean that there is no violence... The vampires are vicious killers, with very little control over their psychotic attacks. They spend their time perched on the edge of killing each other. When they are not killing, they are taking offence and wanting to kill.

There is also sex. I could categorise this book as pornography -- but the sex is pathetic. At best, it's titillation. At worst it's rape and violence. Every sex scene includes the threat of extreme violence and it's the women who are homicidal.

The characters are also childishly stupid. Homicidal, uncontrolled, stupid.

There is nothing at all pleasant about this book.

Okay, there is one character who offered some hope of reader satisfaction. (Unless, of course, you enjoy childish psychopaths threatening each other with sex and violence. Feel free to imagine it fits in the category of, "rubbish, for fans only".) One character is planning to, somehow, punish these vampires for imagined insults.

This character is an outsider. He is a vampire but grew up amongst humans. He is not a part of the vampire sex and violence. He is almost sympathetic.

But you just know that he will be slaughtered.

One third of the way through the book and I can't take any more. This book is unpleasant. Even the sex is dull, though violent.

Avoid it.

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