Walks of King Island
category: travel, author:Ken Martin
one of a series of (The) Walks of ...original copyright 2009,
read in April 2011
Agamedes' opinion: 8 out of 10
Start reading this book and you quickly realise that Martin's interest is not in "King Island"... Sure, he loves the place and he enjoys the King Island walks. Really, though, he's a walker.Which is reassuring, really.
This book is a book for walkers, hikers, trampers, strollers... Not just a sales pitch for King Island. When you're looking for a holiday with plenty of walks -- as we are -- this is the book for you.
There are plenty of walks on King Island. Each comes with a map, an overview of distance, time, difficulty and a walk description. Better yet, there is a map right at the front of the book which shows the start points for all of the walks on one map. This helps you to get an overview of what is where on the island.
The walk descriptions are quite general. No turn-by-turn detail, just some commentary on points of interest. Enough to provide a feeling for the walk without swamping you with facts. There are occasional recommendations to pick up various local leaflets.
If you are planning a walking holiday, or planning a visit to King Island, this is a good book to read. Skim through the walk descriptions and you get a good taste for the island. (Bear in mind that I have not been to King Island to confirm the impressions that I gained from this book!)
If you are going to visit -- take this book. Then pick up more detailed information when you arrive. This book provides a good overview of where to go to enjoy walking on King Island.
To get the book: The publisher is Bas Publishing. Their webpage does not seem to list this book... At least, I can't find it... They do have another Ken Martin walks book which is probably just as good, especially if you are planning to take some Walks of the Mornington Peninsula.

Or contact the publisher and ask about King Island.
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