Monday, September 30, 2024

Silo, Hugh Howey

Silo,  aka Wool
(#1of 4?)
by Hugh Howey
science fiction

copyright 2013
not read in 2024
rated 4/10: bad but could be read

You know how it is. you start reading a book. get involved with the characters. wonder about the world. wonder how the main character will advance our understanding of the world. we read in hope and wonder and expectation.

except with this book. there is a woman who is beginning to understand then she dies.
her husband is thick but begins to wonder. then he dies.
all of a sudden i have no engagement with this book. no interest in reading more.
forget it.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Happiness is wanting what you already have

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Moria Pearls, Rosalie Oaks

The Moria Pearls
(Lady Diviner #2)
by Rosalie Oaks
copyright 2021
read in September 2024
fantasy, romance, mystery

rated 7/10: well worth reading

A pleasant book, sort of Pride & Prejudice for modern sensibilities. Meaning...
Book one impressed me by the number of naked and near-naked people on the final pages.
This book ends with many couples having, having had, or considering having sex. But all quite politely.

My rating would be six, read to pass the time -- plus one because the mystery is well done. Twists and turns, red herrings. Accusations and suspicions. Plus threats of violence. All well presented with hints and clues which, as usual, I failed to interpret :-)

My only complaint is the growing number of as-yet-unconsummated pairings. Argh, it's a series.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

We know that the nature of genius is to provide idiots with ideas twenty years later... Louis Aragon

..Dying for you to Read my blog:

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

bains wholefood chickpea chips

bains wholefood chickpea chips

rated 7/10

The flavour is standard salt and cheese, quite nice.
the chip itself is chickpea, yellow pea, rice plus flavouring. all, i guess, ground to a paste then fried, smaller than potato chips.
I suspect that potato chips are also ground to a paste then reshaped for cooking but... I hope i may be wrong.
the texture is more solid than potato chips (crisps). The flavour is different but pleasant.
After eating them my fingers (and mouth) do *not* have the greasy feel nor the indelible stink of smiths chips.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Happiness is wanting what you already have

Monday, August 26, 2024

A Choice of Gods, Clifford D Simak

A Choice of Gods
by Clifford D Simak
copyright 1977
read in August 2024

rated 4/10: bad but could be read

I have this special category of "commentary": author's opinion, perhaps mixed in with fiction.
This book seems to be the author's opinion: how sweet it would be if 99% of the world's people disappeared. Oh yes, and if the remaining 1% gained eternal life, perfect health, teleportation and  telepathy.
Having set the scene he then bores the reader to tears with a combination of religious and spiritual nonsense and lack of clarity.
Just one example of stupidity: A survivor decides that the remaining 1% should have a record of what happens. One day he writes, nothing has happened. Except that his wife is exchanging news with friends. Not worth adding the wife's news to the journal, it's just "woman's talk".
So... probably not worth mentioning the births, deaths and marriages of the remaining population of Earth. Even the patriarchal Bible recognises the importance of begatting to the human race.

The book is rubbish.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

We know that the nature of genius is to provide idiots with ideas twenty years later... Louis Aragon

..Dying for you to Read my blog:

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Lady Jewel Diviner, Rosalie Oaks

The Lady Jewel Diviner, 
(Lady Jewel Diviner #1)
by Rosalie Oaks

copyright 2021
read in July 2024

rated 7/10: well worth reading

This is a delightful book -- a challenging mystery with some excitement. The excitement is mild but enjoyable. As I read I was thinking... this is all very straightforward... but far more clever than anything that I could write. 
With charming characters, some of whom are likeable stereotypes: almost Pride & Prejudice but with humour and some modern sensibilities.
Every character is so politely embarrassed by nudity -- until it becomes essential to the plot.

There are some questions. Does a vampiri have predatory powers such as hypnotism. Why was strength not mentioned before it was needed. Oh, I don't know... I enjoyed the book and so wanted more explanation.

A lot of fun, well worth reading.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Happiness is wanting what you already have

Chronux, Sagar Kamath

by Sagar Kamath
copyright 2017
part read in August 2024

rated 5/10 readable but only if there's nothing else

Back in the days when the Beatles were going mystic there was a rich and powerful swami. He lived in luxury, travelled the world, was driven in multiple Rolls Royces. His followers supported him with all of their money, their services, their devotion.
The swami spent his days talking to his disciples. His words were pearls of wisdom. Laced with wonder and hilarious gems. That's according to the brain-washed members of his cult.
To anyone else the swami's words were the incoherent ramblings of a spaced-out idiot.

Chronux is a bit like that swami: to believers it may make sense, there may be a world-shattering message of truth.
Not to me.
The logic of the story makes sense: two best friends become bitter enemies and destroy the world (I think) On their way they visit a series of nasty wars. Some are seen from an anti-American perspective, others are just violent. As far as I can tell, Chronux is a time-controlling monster who wants to trick someone else into taking over his role. There also seems to be some sort of peace-loving swami-style message.

To me, the book is nonsense. Perhaps to the convert  it is the wisdom of the ages.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Happiness is wanting what you already have

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Real Naturals Mushroom Chips

I'm an impulse buyer
On impulse, in Coles,I picked up a small, 32g packet of...
Real Naturals Mushroom Chips
rated 7/10: pleasant with NO unpleasant aftereffects
Eating standard (eg Smiths) potato chips / crisps provides several things:
... a lot of salt
... a yearning for more (largely due to the salt)
... A strong and unpleasant smell on the fingers and lips, that's from the flavour powder that coats the chips. It must include fat because the smell is very hard to wash off
... a slightly greasy feel on the fingers, from picking up the chips.

The main ingredient of the mushroom chips is tapioca starch (standing in for the potato).
flavour comes from shiitake mushrooms, plus the usual sugar, salt, onion etc. No chemicals with complex names.

The chips provide several things:
... not too much salt, no yearning for more. A slight leftover flavour in the mouth
...Not much leftover smell, none at all after washing hands. The packet does say, No palm oil, perhaps that allows the flavours to be water soluble.
... interesting flavour.

If you like the mushroom flavour, these are much better than Smiths potato chips

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Happiness is wanting what you already have