Tenebrak #1
by Shannah Jay
science fiction, fantasy
copyright 1993
read in October 2023
rated 6/10: read to pass the time
What a load of New Age nonsense!
Meditation, love and dancing will save the world. Well, no argument against trying but I doubt that mystic mind melds will heal wounds and create doors through solid stone.
The good people are soooo very good. And so powerful thanks to their mystic Disciplines.
It's actually quite a surprise that the bad people are, in fact, really really bad. Except for those few who are healed and convinced by the nice people.
One odd thing with the characters: It is very hard to empathise with any of them. It is, I think because the likeable ones are so quickly converted to the New Age religion.(And nasty ones so quickly turn to evil.) they are no longer human enough for our empathy. Or, perhaps it is because their magic meditation allows them to so easily deal with their inner demons so, why should *we* care.
Despite the embarrassingly twee religion, the book is quite enjoyable. Once the reader has achieved the necessary willing suspension of disbelief, there are believable adventures and unbelievable escapes.
But be warned: this is book one of at least three. And I believe that all of the books are out of print.
An ultimate happy ending seems inevitable... This book ends with absolutely nothing resolved. And yet... the story is fun as far as it goes... and it is so really silly that... well... who really cares how, or whether, it will all end.
Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
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